Will Insulating my Home Save me Money?

several one-hundred dollar bills

Are you considering investing in green sources of energy for your home? Do you want to maximize natural resources and save hundreds on energy bills? Well, we’ve got just the thing for you. Insulation is one of the most cost-efficient ways to save energy and reduce your energy bill. Ensuring that your home is insulated correctly will keep you from …

7 Ways to Heat Your Home in Rochester NY

7 Ways to Heat Your Home When you think of home, what comes to mind? For many of us, thoughts of home bring to mind a warm, cozy atmosphere with a toasty fireplace in the living room. A warm home brings comfort and security, a safe haven for your family. But how do you actually heat your home? What are …

Heating Tips to Stay Warm this Winter

woman looking at her phone, sitting on a window bench. Snowy tree branched outside the window.

Heating your home uses more energy and costs more money than any other system in your home — typically making up about 42% of your utility bill. No matter what kind of heating system you have in your house, you can save money and increase your comfort by properly maintaining and upgrading your equipment. But remember, an energy-efficient furnace alone …

How Many Homes Use Electric Heat vs Natural Gas?

Coal power plant

As energy awareness increases and alternative choices for energy production seem to be in the news lately, you might ask if your neighbors are still using traditional energy or newer choices for their heating needs.  There has been much talk of solar, wind, hydroelectric and geothermal energy and how these and other energy sources are shaping the way we use …

What is SEER Rating?

Energy Star Icon

What does a SEER Rating mean to you? In an effort to cut back on energy consumption by Americans, the US Congress enacted laws regarding the labeling of appliances that consumer electricity and natural gas. SEER stands for Seasonal Energy Efficiency Rating. HOW IS IT MEASURED? The SEER measures air conditioning and heat pump cooling efficiency, which is calculated by …

How to Save Money from Your Thermostat

thermostat for home

Most homeowners are going to have to devote some finances and planning time every month to dealing with a monthly budget. Few of us enjoy unlimited money every month, so we have to be careful with how much we spend. Your energy bill is one of those areas that’s considered an “operating expense” whether that’s at home or work. Regardless …